SSL Partner Center: Warning – Renewal Failure: Domain ineligible for renewal.

In the SSL Partner Center Clients may get the following Warning message:

Renewal Failure: Domain ineligible for renewal.

This warning message is caused by the following reasons..

  • The certificate was selected as a renewal during enrollment within the SSL
    Partner Center but there is no pre-existing certificate issued from Acmetek.

    • Although the certificate may be up for renewal it is possible that it was not
      purchased through Acmetek previously.
    • Although the certificate is up for renewal it is possible that the Common Name within the CSR provided does not match exactly to the certificate already issued from Acmetek systems.

This is a warning message within the SSL Partner Center. Any warning message depicted with
a yellow exclamation mark in yellow within the SSL Partner Center is informational to create

  • To resolve this problem, the client can ignore the message and click Continue.
  • If this is an actual renewal of a certificate that was indeed purchased from Acmetek then its possible that the Common Name pf the CSR is different than the order they are trying to renew. Perform the following:
    • Double check the common name of the CSR with a SSL Certificate CSR checker. If the Common Name is different than the certificate order the client is trying to renew then the client will have to generate a brand new CSR to match the Common Name of the Renewal order.

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